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Ratisbona Temporary Work Straubing

Jobs & Vacancies in Straubing

You are looking for a job in and around Straubing?

No matter if you are looking for a full-, or part-time employment: Ratisbona Temporary Work Straubing will help you find a suitable job for you in the region.  With our holistic service portfolio that ranges from direct placement to temporary work, we can offer you a variety of job positions in different sectors and occupational fields

You could not find your dream position in our job search for Straubing?
Send us an unsolicited application and we will contact you as soon as a suitable position becomes available.  


Albrechtsgasse 47
94315 Straubing

Phone: +49 (9421) 18 99 58-0
Fax: +49 (9421) 18 99 58-10


Business hours:
Mon. – Thurs.: 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Fri.: 8.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.

Our team in Straubing

Veronika Nebl
Branch Manager
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Emil Bogdancev
Personnel Dispatcher
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Straubing Overview

Straubing is an independent city belonging to the administrative region of Lower Bavaria. It currently has around 47.600 inhabitants and is divided into 8 districts.

There are several different employers in many different occupational fields in Straubing and roughly counts around 1.350 active businesses.

Apart from that, there are several jobs in Straubing, Bogen and the surrounding region, divided into a variety of different sectors such as:

  • Electrical engineering
  • Retail
  • Production & industrial field
  • Craftsmanship
  • Business and accounting
  • Health
  • Caring professions


Jobs in Straubing

If you are looking for work in and around Straubing, Ratisbona Temporary Work can help you find a suitable full-, or part-time job. As one of the largest personnel service providers in the eastern Bavarian region, we offer jobs in different sectors and crafts in Straubing. The job vacancies are however dependent on the current needs of businesses in the region. Yet, you are always welcome to send us an unsolicited appliction for your desired position, even if it is not advertised.  We will gladly help you ro find it!

You will find the necessary help for phrasing an unsolicited application in our advisory section. 

Temporary Work and Direct Placement

Ratisbona Temporary Work Straubing offers jobs via our temporary work agency as well as direct placements. Depending on the requirements of our corporate customers. 

When is the right time for temporary work?

Temporary work in Straubing can be an ideal opportunity if you are looking for new work experience after you have undergone professional re-training or want to restart your career in a new sector. Feel free to contact us anytime and receive a free consultation.

For Businesses in Straubing

Ratisbona Temporary Work is your number one personnel service provider in Straubing and the surrounding region. Through temporary work or transfer of personnel you have the opportunity to actively counteract staff shortage. The limited labor contract also detains you from entering long-term commitments while leaving you the chance of continuing to employ your staff if you wish to. 

Ratisbona Zeitarbeit GmbH 
Margaretenstraße 15
93047 Regensburg

Telephone / Fax:
+49 (0) 941 280 786 - 0
+49 (0) 941 280 786 - 10

Business Hours:
Mon. – Thurs.: 8.00 – 5.00 p.m.
Fri.: 8.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.




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