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Benefits for Applicants

Find your dream job with Ratisbona Temporary Work. The bad reputation that temporary work used to have until only a few years ago has now drastically changed.  More and more people use temporary work in order to find new professional perspectives and resratr their career. Our job as a successful personnel service provider is to advise you first-hand at no expenses and be by your side while looking for a job





If you are being employed as one of our temporary workers, we are simultaneously your personnel service provider and employer. Therefore, you have the same rights and security you would have with any other job. Even if you switch between companies, you will stay employed by us and have an ongoing salary, insurance as well as all other claims from your labor contract. 


Same as with rental companies, you have the benefit of flexibility. As a temporary worker you do not commit to one company  and can flexibly change your place of action. Would you like to re-enter the working world, are you a rookie or do you want a professional reorientation? Then temporary work is the right thing for you. 

Good Chances of being Taken over

An additional benefit of of temporary work is the high chance of being taken over. Not only can you get to know different companies and gain experiences, you can also find the perfect company for you. If you have proven yourself, the chances of being taken on into a permanent position are high. 


As you get to know many different companies while working as a temporary worker, you will also quickly expand your knowledge and experiences. These experiences are helpful and highly interesting for personnel managers and companies as well. Rental companies apprecieate your extended range of experiences and will help you to a rapid start.

Profitable Labor Contract

Apart from your security and salary through the iGZ-DGB collective agreement, you also get above average payments, terms and conditions. You will find a full overview of the services and details here

Directly On-Site

We are a company from Regensburg with many locations throughout the region. Therefore, wer are directly on-site, know the surrounding area and can offer you a job close to your home. We respond to individual wishes and find the perfect job for you. With Ratisbona Temporary Work, long trips to wokr belong to the past. 

Collect Bonus Now

You are an employee of Ratisbona and know someone who would like to enter the working world or professionally reorientate? Recommend us! No matter whether it is relatives, acquaintances or friends. If the recommendation of an employee is succesful and he/she stays with us, you will earn an additional bonus of 150 Euros.

You will find all the additional information in your responsible branch. What are you waiting for?




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Application Process

Occupational Fields

Ratisbona Zeitarbeit GmbH 
Margaretenstraße 15
93047 Regensburg

Telephone / Fax:
+49 (0) 941 280 786 - 0
+49 (0) 941 280 786 - 10

Business Hours:
Mon. – Thurs.: 8.00 – 5.00 p.m.
Fri.: 8.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.




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