Writing an Unsolicited Application: Our Best Advice

Not all jobs are given to applicants via publicly advertised job offers. Verbal propaganda and relationships play a much more essential role in a large number of new positions that need to be filled. As well as unsolicited applications. Would you also like to change your career, but cannot seem to find a suitable job opening? Be pro-active and take your fate into your own hands - with the right preparation, your commitment could be rewarded in the end.




In fact, the title already explains the core of an unsolicited application: it is unsolicited, meaning you are taking things into your own hands. Instead of reacting to a publicly advertised job offer, you seek a position defined by yourself. By the way, according to representative surveys, only roughly one third of all vacancies are filled by public advertisements. However, in order to achieve your goal, you should really take your time and consider a significant number of things in regards to your unsolicited application. 


Are you planning a change of career, wish to send a non-committal application for an internship or apply for your first job after college? Regardless of your motivations, unsolicited applications have many advantages as well as some downsides. In the following, you will find a lineup of the pros and cons of an unsolicited application. 


Based on Demand: You decide what you wish to do and therefore have control over your technical skills and personal abilities. Instead of adjusting to the requirements of the job offer, you enjoy substantial freedom. 

High Dedication: Being pro-active is not the only thing being positively perceived. With your application, you simultaneously flatter the company. 

Surprise Effect: When advertising a vacancy, it is likely to receive more than one application, while receiving an application out of the blue can be positively surprising. Often, companies keep unsolicited applications for the future, in case there should not be suitable job offer at the moment.  


Unsafe Timing: Without a specific starting date, as it is common with advertised vacancies, there is no response deadline. This causes anxiety that might get worse from day to day. 

High Research Effort: You already have to convince people with your cover letter. Therefore, the necessary research and your personal contribution to the economic success of the company requires particularly high effort. 

Uncertainty: You do not know what the management level of the company values in their employees. While advertised job offers usually outline specific requirements, you have to guess with what you can score best. 


Have you decided to prevail in the war of talents and would like to stand out against you competitors by sending an unsolicited application? Take your time for the ideal result. What should you keep in mind?


Gather as many information as possible regarding your desired future employer. Where are the company’s headquarters? Are there other national or international branches? What products and services does the company offer? You should also know the headcount, hierarchical structure and public image. This is the only way to specifically defer to the company’s philosophy, focus on targeted fields of action and explain your added value for exactly this company in detail. 

Do not only search the for the necessary information on the company’s personal internet presence, but on external websites as well. Was the current CEO previously employed by a different company? Are there any hints for the expansion of the company in the media? The more background information you have, the more competent you seem. Also, try to find a particular contact person. If the company should not have a Human Resources apartment, make sure to address a specific person in your unsolicited application nonetheless – this can also be the boss. 


You have to prove to the responsible person that you are the perfect fit for a position that is not even available. In this case, is especially important to think of a possible job description, which precisely displays your motivation and the added value that the company will gain by employing you. 

Therefore, it is inevitable to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Split your skills into your technical skills, including computer and language skills and the so-called soft skills: Your personal merits and interests. Score by being creative or having commercial knowledge - what do you have that other potential candidates do not have?


In general, an unsolicited application does not differ from classic applications for job advertisements. Just like any other job application directed to an advertisement, it consists of a cover letter, tabular CV and as well as all relevant certificates attached.

However: You can design it freely. Ideally, you should proceed step by step. Note all the points that you usually pay attention to when writing an application and those that are personally important to you. Using a template, you can also identify possible pitfalls or adopt suitable verbalizations. 


Pay attention to the correct addressee. Start your cover letter by addressing the correct contact person. In addition, mention the word "unsolicited application" in the subject line – so the reader will immediately know what your documents are. Pay special attention to the introduction, as the first sentences determine whether the HR manager will view all your documents or stop half-way. Whether you opt for a creative or conservative entry depends on your desired position. However, you should obtain from empty phrases such as “I hereby apply for…”, as they sound monotone and old-fashioned.

Try to score right from the start by being original, clearly highlight your individuality and draw interest. When applying for jobs in advertising agencies, you may be particularly outspoken, but should still encourage to continue reading in classic jobs.


The advantages of unsolicited applications are that instead of having to match a certain job profile, the focus of the main part lies completely in your hands. You have designed a tailor-made position for yourself and have to make it attractive for the company now. Convince your contact person of your qualities. However, try to get straight to the point and avoid the impression of being too self-confident. It is important to mention and provide clear explanations on the following points:

Ideas of the Desired Position: Remain open to adjustments. It is highly unlikely that your wishes will be met one-to-one. Mention that you are flexible in terms of location and time. 

Added Value to the Company: Why did you choose this particular company? For what reasons should the HR management support your attitude?

Long-Term Goals: Do you already have ideas that you would like to implement in your new position? Put the background of your unsolicited application in the foreground.

Motivation and Commitment: Let your lines speak for your enthusiasm!


Finalize your unsolicited application with a friendly ending sentence, which includes the expectation of feedback. Do not forget to sign your unsolicited application when sending it by post.

Hint: For some years now, attaching a photo to an application in Germany is no longer mandatory. However, with an unsolicited application, the HR manager can get a better idea of you when adding a picture. 


Applicants repeatedly make identical mistakes that reduce their chances of finding the desired job. Therefore, please note the following:

● Do not copy unsolicited application examples from online templates. Formulate your sentences independently.

● Make your motivation clear. Mere interest or desire for something new often does not seem convincing enough.

● Define your desired activity. If a job is to be created for you, your employer must know what you have in mind.

● Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes and use a unified layout for the cover letter and CV.


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